Planetary Hours

Planetary Hours gives an associated ruling planet for each hour of the day and night. These rulers lend energy to the hour that has been traditionally used for elective timing in rituals, ceremonies, spell casting etc
A day or hour that has a relationship to your activity can be chosen for best affect.
Read about the planetary energies here
How Planetary Hours are calculated
The first Planetary Hour of the day after sunrise starts with the planet that the day is named for. These are the traditional seven “naked eye” planets.
Days of the week and their planetary rulers
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursdays | Friday | Saturday |
Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
Tiw is Teutonic God of War | Woden’s Day | Thor’s Day | Freya is Teutonic Goddess of Love | Saturn’s Day |
The planets then cycle through the 24 hours moving from slowest to quickest. Please note for these purposes the Heavenly bodies Sun and Moon are called planets.
Order of planetary movement from slowest to fastest
~ Saturn ~ Jupiter ~ Mars ~ Sun ~ Venus ~ Mercury ~ Moon ~
Calculating Planetary Hours
The daylight time and night time are divided in to 12 hours each. Therefore the length of the hours differs according to season and latitude. The summer daylight hours are longer, while the winter hours shorter.
Sunrise Hours are 1/12 the time from sunrise to sunset and likewise with Sunset Hours being 1/12 the time from sunset to sunrise.
Ascertain sunrise or sunset for the area in which you intend to work from a published source.
This website will give you a wealth of time information including calculating the length of daylight hours.
Being careful to observe the time zone of the reference and adjust it to the specific area if necessary. See Special Area Adjustment text box below.
There are now many websites and phone apps that will calculate Planetary Hours. However remember often their calculations are for a time zone longitude and so, as stated above, you may have to adjust it for your location.
This website gives a variety of locations
Specific Area Adjustment The sun moves a degree every 4 minutes. If you are calculating the time for a location east of the time zone longitude then subtract 4 minutes to the published time for each degree, or part there of, east of the time zone. For locations west of the time zone longitude add 4 minutes from the published time. For example: London’s longtitude is 0.1275° West, very close to Greenwich, and the time zone longtitude. However, you may want to calculate the hours for Plymouth which 2.7140° West. Therefore there at 4 minutes per degree there is approximately 11 minutes difference between the time zone longitude and your location. Sunrise and Sunset are about 11 minutes later than in London. |
To Use Planetary Hours
Select a day of the week and hour which has a relationship with your event or ritual based on the planetary correlations If it is not possible to select a day of the week that is appropriate then at least seek a relevant hour.