Perspective Scientific -UK They manufacture and sell meters which measure magnetic fields only, electric fields only and meters which measure both and products For the most up-to-date scientific research on all technopathic stress issues. Surveys, research, hires out EMF meters. An excellent source of information The Powerwatch shop… Continue reading
Frequently Asked Questions How far away is ‘safe’ from pylons, substations and transformers? Pylons You need to find out what voltage they are and what they are supplying (i.e. residential properties or industrial premises, etc.,) to evaluate the ‘safe’ distance from your property. Initial guide distances are suggested below; a… Continue reading
Many people are become Hyper-Sensitive to Electrical fields as w are increasingly surrounded by electropollution. The prolific use of electricity is increasing to meet the demands of technologically driven society. Research is now showing that there is an association between exposure to electromagnetic fields (ENTs), produced whenever we use electricity,… Continue reading
Mobile Phone Towers and their EMR affect the immediate surroundings Most mobilephone towers have been located in the most highly populated areas of the world. The building terrace on which these metal towers are installed radiates harmful vibrations of accumulated EMF to the environment ranging 25 m. from the source.… Continue reading
DANGERS OF TECHNO-STRESS All the dangers assocaited with technostress are not completely understood. The nature of EMF is very complex and the number of EMF sources are rapidly growing. The entire effect of multiple electromagnetic fields on human physiology is something we are learning more about. However, it is well… Continue reading
Electomagnetic Fields and Health Electromagnetic Radiation EMR Mobile Phone Towers Dangers of Techno-stress Electrical Hyper-Sensitivity Techno-stress – FAQ Sources and Resources – Techno-stress Continue reading
What is Electromagnetic Radiation? The transmission of electrical energy through wires, the broadcasting of radio signals and the phenomenon of visible light are examples of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). EMR always consists of both an electrical field and a magnetic field. It occurs in a wide range of frequencies, spanning what… Continue reading