

Looks like magic

Dowsing opens a portal directly to your subconscious. Using this technique and any of a variety of dowsing tools you can reveal the unknown and unseen.  It is a phenomenal way to access the cosmic information field. Therein lies essentially everything there is to know – and dowsing is something anyone can do.

A method well suited to yes/no answers, dowsing can be useful in mundane/quantifiable pursuits, such as finding cables, pipes, lost pets, misplaced keys, and additives in food. It is associated with water divining, minerals audits, medical diagnosis, healing, earth energy surveys, ghost clearing, and communicating with the wee folk. Its divinatory application is only limited by personal restrictions.

18th Century British Dowser with Forked Dowsing Rod

Even for those with little connection to divination, dowsing is frequently used to determine the sex of an unborn babe. This is usually done with a wedding ring hung from a thread used to dowse over the belly of the expectant mother.

Dowsing Methods

From a forked yew branch to high-tech carbon fibre bobbers, dowsing tools are very accessible. Pendulum dowsing is probably the most well-known technique.

Any weighted object hanging from a thread or chain will suffice.  Dangle the pendulum pinched between your thumb and index finger, paying out about 7 to 10 cm (3 or 4 inches) of chain to allow free movement.

L-rods are a favourite for water diviners and geomancers surveying land and house anomalies. They are often made from copper but an adapted wire coat hanger will function just as well. L-rods have the added advantage of working well for directional questions, such as “find me a clean earth energy spot in the back garden to place my bench”. Your rods will then swing in the direction you need to walk and cross when you reach the spot.

Dowsing using L Rods
Dowsing using L Rods. They cross when the target is located or the answer is yes
Pendulum for Dowsing

How Do You Dowse

To begin dowsing you need to establish a baseline for responses. Put your device in a “neutral position”. For a pendulum that is swinging gently back and forward. Ask to be shown a “yes” response. For most people, this will start the pendulum swinging in a clockwise direction. Do the same for “no”. This might be an anti-clockwise swing or perhaps side to side. Different dowsers will have their own responses. Once you have established a system, responses will stay the same for all similar devices.

For dowsing with L-rods hold them loosely in your hands, straight ahead and parallel to the ground. Practice moving the tip ever so slightly up and down to keep the rods in balance and free to move. Repeat the yes/no procedure. Rods will cross for a yes and stay still in the neutral position for a no. You can move forward if surveying land, looking for earth energies, or lost objects. You can also consult the rods much like a pendulum for yes/no questions.

You can confirm and consolidate your responses by asking a series of short questions that you know the answer to already. “Is my name Cinderella?” “Am I wearing shoes?”

As with any divinatory method, phrase your question precisely for clear results. Approach your dowsing with an attitude of surrender. Like floating on the water, let the answers flow through you. With very little practice you will be able to tune into your subconscious processes to access a big wide web of knowing.

Find out about the Seven Dimensions of Dowsing >>

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