Gods and Goddesses
You may want Divine assistance in your wish’s fulfilment or healing work. If so, it is important to know the Beings you are calling on, and how best to honour them in your sacred space.
You need to say the names of the god or goddesses correctly, understand their characteristics, and cultivate an attitude of reverence in yourself before making any requests.
This list represents a small number of the world’s deities from various points in history and culture.
Addad (Babylonian)
The god of foresight and the future, his holy symbols include lightning bolts and bulls. Call upon this being to help untangle fate’s web. One caution exists, however: Addad also is a storm god whose transformations may not be gentle.
Adonai Aretz (Cabalistic)
A sacred name for God, in the 10th Sephirah, whose dominion is that of manifestation through will into the material plane. This effectively describes any type of spellcraft. To encourage this presence or assistance, burn yellow candles and oak-based incense. Add ivy, rock crystal, and willow branches to the sacred space. Stand in the centre of an equal-armed cross when casting your wish.
Agni (India)
This being mediates between the gods and humankind, bearing our wishes and needs to their ears. He is also the god of hope and new beginnings. Honour Agni with any type of fire source, especially a torch, and/or a fan.
Aeolus (Greek)
The keeper of the winds, which he could not always control. When working with any of the four winds in your wishcraft, call on either Aeolus or the wind by its proper name. Boreas is the north wind, Zephyrus the west, Notos the south, and Eurus the east.
Aeons (Gnostic)
The embodiment of power, the origination of all things, and manifest thought. Sacred numbers are 8 and 22. Also effective in wishes focused on obtaining the truth in any situation.
Anat (Phoenicia)
This goddess’s name means “holy one.” She was so powerful that the other gods granted whatever Anat wished. To honour her in your wishing, don purple and burn coriander incense.
Angerona (Rome)
A deity whose dominion is silence and secrecy. Her festival day is December 21 st.
Agizan (Voodoo)
Goddess who is humankind’s psychic centre and source. Honour her presence in your sacred space with a palm leaf. Agizan may be called upon for wishes of protection too.
Anu (Mesopotamian)
The Father God who presides over the fate of everything, even that of the Universe. Sacred emblems for Anu include the star and staff.
Aphrodite (Greek)
This goddess governs matters of love, creativity, generosity, and renewal. To call upon her, decorate your altar with sea shells, poppy, rose, and a whole pomegranate. Burn frankincense and myrrh. Corresponds with Venus in Rome.
Apollo (Greek and Roman)
A sun god who presides over spiritual goals that are accomplished through any art, including wishcraft. Honour this deity by burning bay incense and placing spring water on the altar.
Arianrhod (Wales)
The goddess of time, the stars, fertility and karma. Call upon her during a fiull moon. Her sacred symbol is a silver wheel.
Artemis (Greek)
The mistress of magical arts, Artemis will often swiftly intercede on behalf of her worshippers in many matters. To contact her, perform your wish spell on the 6th day after the new moon, and burn juniper wood in the sacred space.
Asa (Africa)
A god of mercy and help, useful in overcoming things that seem impossible.
Ashtart (Phoenician)
Goddess of the planet Venus who is also called the “guiding star,” this Lady has an eight-pointed star and meteorites as emblems. Consider calling on Ashtart when wishing on stars or falling stars to empower the magic.
Amitabba (Tibet)
God of boundless light and salvation who offers aid when you feel as if your wishcraft is failing. Bring any red object into your sacred space when calling on this deity.
Amoghasiddhi (Tibet)
The god of perfect accomplishment whose sacred colour is green.
Ba’ahth (Canaan)
As a greater goddess of trees and wells, Ba’ahth is good to invoke when working with either one of these wishing traditions.
Badb (Irish)
Goddess of wisdom and enlightenment, best suited for wishes focused on spiritual matters. Honour Badb in your craft with a cauldron full of boiling water or a crow’s feather.
Banana Maiden (Celebes)
The goddess of transition and change, welcome her in your sacred space with the fruit which bears her name.
Benten (Japan)
A goddess of luck, wealth, love, and music, Benten carries a jewel that grants desires. Her symbols are a guitar, dragon, snake, salt water, and sword, and her festival is New Year. In Japan, people carry images of this goddess as a charm for accomplishment.
Bes (Eovpt)
A god of luck and fortune, this divine figure was featured on amulets, charms, and talismans to help bring the bearer’s wishes into reality Bes is fond of mirrors, perfumes, and uplifting music, and is the god associated with dance and women’s adornment.
Bragi (Norse)
A god of wit, cunning, and effective communication, including verbal magical formulas. To encourage Bragi’s presence, play inspiring songs and pour out an offering of mead.
Brigid (Ireland/Wales)
The goddess of witchcraft and the occult, invoke her aid with poetic refrains recited near a fire source. Her sacred number is 19. Brigit is useful in wishes pertaining to prophesy, inspiration, and domestic issues.
Chub (Africa)
A creative, helpful god. Honour his presence with ale or by communing in groves.
Circe (Greek)
The weaver of destiny, this goddess created and destroyed with knots bound and released in her hair. An excellent deity for knot wishcraft. Appropriate offerings for Circe include honey, fruit, and willow wood. Beware, however, as Circe does have a darker side. Do not invoke her when you feel gloomy, angry, or otherwise ill-disposed.
Dactyls (Greece)
Spirits who formed from the fingerprints of Rhea, these beings invented magical formulae. Call upon them when you’re having trouble constructing your wishcraft effectively.
Dana (Ireland/Wales)
The goddess of the creative abyss and elemental control. Invoke her blessings using eloquent verbal entreaties.
Dazhbog (Slavic)
God of happiness fairness, just rewards, and destiny, his colours are yellow and gold.
Demeter (Greece)
A nature goddess who also governs magical philosophy, fidelity, renewal, matters of law, motherhood, and love. Her sacred symbols include rich soil and grain, both of which can become a component in your wishing, especially for growth or providence.
Ea (Babyloflian and Mesopotamian)
An all-purpose wishing deity who rules over incantations, magic, foresight, wisdom, and the greater mysteries. Especially useful to people who feel empowered by the water element.
Elohim (Cabalistic)
One of the great names for God, this name corresponds to the third Sephirah of the Tree of Life, governing one’s personal faith. To encourage the blessings of Elohim on your spell, cover the altar in grey and pink cloth, burn a mixture of myrrh and thyme, and decorate the ritual space with lotus flowers and containers of water.
Erh-lang (China)
A shape-shifting god who both sustains and restores. His sacred number is 72.
Euphrosyne (Greek)
One of the three Graces who creates joy and gladness. Call upon this being to aid in wishes that have strong emotional import.
Faunus (Rome)
The life force of the world, from which we draw our energy for magic. To invoke this presence, perform your wish spell on February 15 in a natural setting with orchard fruits as an offering.
Fortuna (Rome)
A goddess whose domain is that of fate and chance. Have a wheel or cornucopia as you call on this being.
Freyja (Norse)
The goddess of luck, magic, cleverness, destiny, and foresight. Invoke her assistance on Friday the 13th by reciting poems in her honour or with an offering of flowers.
Fu-Hsing (China)
The god of happy destinies, his sacred animal is a bat.
Gabriel (Cabalistic)
Archangel of the ninth Sephirah, Gabriel presides over change, transformation, and divinatory insight. Since all wishcraft focuses on the desire to make specific alterations, Gabriel’s assistance is most valuable. To honour him in your work, place silver candles on the alter, burn jasmine or violet incense, and decorate the area with lily petals. Rituals invoking Gabriel can be further empowered by working beneath a moon-lit sky.
Ganesha (India)
An elephant god who removes obstacles, also the god of luck and success. When one worships Ganesha in his festivals, he will fulfil wishes. Rice and flowers are traditional offerings.
Gibil (Assyria)
Call upon this god to intercede for you, especially in wishes pertaining to justice.
Guan Yin (China)
A goddess of mercy who answers the prayers of her worshipers faithfully. She is especially receptive to women.
Gwydion (Wales)
Wizard and bard and god of change. Honour him in your sacred space with music, fresh, flowing air, or the image of a white horse. (An alternative god from this tradition for similar goals is Taliesin, who was also a shape shifter.)
Hachiman (Japan)
An historical figure elevated to the status of the god of bravery and honour. He grants success in personal matters.
Haniel (Cabalistic)
Archangel of the seventh Sephirah, presiding over matters of creativity and inspiration, both important in personally meaningful wishing. Haniel may be drawn into your work by using yellow candles, burning rose-sandalwood incense, and decorating the sacred space with violet petals. Additionally, this being reacts positively to any place of beauty, natural settings being preferable.
Hecate (Greece)
The patroness of witches, charms, spellcraft, graveyards and rubbish tips, this goddess is represented by a key or cauldron. Bathe yourself in henna before invoking her, and perform the wish ritual by torchlight for best results.
Heimdall (Norse)
God of the rainbow, keen vision and hearing, beginnings and protection. The ninth day of any month is a fitting time to request aid from this divinity. Have water in the sacred space and, if possible, work your wishcraft beneath a shining moon in a phase that is appropriate to your goal.
Hephaestus (Greek)
Another creative magical figure, Hephaestus was the metal and gem magician to the gods. Invoke him whenever working with gem- or metal-based wish spells. Forging tools or iron are appropriate in the sacred space for this deity.
Hermes (Greek)
When you need wishes to manifest quickly, turn to the feather-heeled messenger of the gods. Hermes has dominion over hermetic, elemental, and seasonally based wishcraft. Comparable to Mercury in Rome.
Horus (Egypt)
Call on Horus when you need creative problem-solving energies in your wishing. This being is often pictured as falcon-headed, perhaps representing insight. Horus’ eyes are considered to be the sun and the moon, two objects strongly associated with wishing.
Innua (Eskimo)
The Great Spirit that exists in all things. Honour this being with sunlight or fresh air.
Iris (Greece)
The embodiment of the rainbow, this goddess carries your messages directly to the gods’ ears. Honour her in your sacred space with figs and wheat-honey cakes.
Ishtar (Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Arabian)
A goddess with many names and attributes including life, order, lunar energy, oracles, and vision. An eight-pointed star, a dove, and a doubled-headed axe are among Ishtar’s holy symbols. To honour her in your sacred space, cover the altar with a rainbow-coloured cloth, and place a lapis on it.
Janus (Rome)
The god of good beginnings and navigation. Let him guide your wish to its best possible outcome. Honour him in the sacred space with two-sided items (like a two-headed coin), or cast your wish on New Year’s Day for best success.
Kawrusepas (Hittite)
General goddess of spells and the art magic.
Khamael (Cabalistic)
The Archangels of the fifth Sephirah who governs will power and energy, two things indispensable in magic. All spells work through the will. To draw this power, place red cloth upon the altar. burn tarragon and basil, and decorate the sacred space with a pentagram made of fallen oak branches. Stand in the centre of the pentagram when making your request, as this represents the meeting place of the elements, personal will, and the Sacred.
Khensu (Egypt)
This divine being’s name literally means the “navigator.” Release your wishes to him when you feel they need divine direction and guidance. Additionally, Khensu is an excellent figure for wishes of health and recuperation. His symbol is the crescent moon.
Khephera (Egypt)
A form of Ra who embodies the rising sun, this god’s dominion is that of transformation, new beginnings, and miracles. His name literally means “he who becomes,” and Khephera’s symbol is the scarab. Greet this being at dawn for best results.
Kronos (Greek)
The father of time and inventor of magic. A good image to invoke when time is of the essence. Use sand or an hourglass to invoke and welcome this deity.
Lado (Slavic)
God of joy and well-being. Invoke his aid between the dates of May 25th and June 25th, and have water in the sacred space.
Lakshmi (India)
The goddess of success, victory, fate, and fortune, call upon her during the month of September using sacred dance as an invocation.
Lama (Sumerian)
A goddess who guides worshipers to the gods they invoke. Lama will intercede on your behalf with any deity in the Sumerian pantheon.
Lha (Tibet)
Types of guardian angels who aid and protect.
Ludd (Ireland/Wales)
God of incantations, magic, healing, and wealth, welcome him to your rituals or spells by having a gold fish, a solar symbol, in the sacred space. Alternatively, any wooden items that are hand-made also please this being.
Lu-Hsing (China)
God of salaries, employment, and overall success, especially for financial wishes. His sacred animal is a deer.
Manannan (Ireland)
Son of the Irish Sea God, Lir, Manannan has a magical boat that is steered by the wishes of the occupant, over land or sea. This personification is also associated with Charon, and is an excellent figure for wishes pertaining to travel and protection.
Nabu (Mesopotamian)
A god who writes on the tablets of destiny. Call upon Nabu in wishes where your fate needs changing or assistance. Place writing implements in your sacred space to honour this god.
Nut (Egypt)
The personification of the stars, upon which we so often wish, Nut is known as the “life giver.” Allow her to give life to your dreams. Her symbols are the cow or a round vase.
Odin (Norse)
The great, all-seeing father who presides over words of power, fate, magic, divination, and prophesy. Odin is pleased by written poetry, rain water, and freshly harvested items.
Ogun (Africa)
A god who removes obstacles and smoothes the way for your wish’s manifestation. Have pieces of iron in the sacred space, and burn a snippet of your hair to honour him. Ogun is also the protective spirit of barbers.
Okuninushi (Japan)
A god of self-realization, he holds dominion over sorcery and cunning. Honour him in the sacred space with rich soil.
Ormazd (Persia)
The great god of Universal law and virtue. Welcome this being into your sacred space through the use of light (natural or candles). An excellent figure to call upon to make sure your wishcraft works for the greatest good.
Persephone (Greek)
The goddess who will help you overcome obstacles that impede your wishes, hopes, and dreams. Welcome her in your spell with corn, willow, pomegranate seeds, or narcissus flowers. Her name is Prosperina in the Roman pantheon.
Ra (Egypt)
The great creator god of the Egyptians, Ra controls magical spells. He is best invoked at noon, when the sun is at its height.A
Ratziel (Cabalistic)
The Archangel associated with the second Sephirah and creative, manifesting energy. To invoke the assistance of this being in your wishing, use a blue altar cover, burn musk mixed with beechwood shavings, and place amaranth flowers and large stones in a circle around the sacred space.
Rin Po Che (Tibetan)
The great, accomplished magician whose flower is the lotus.
Sarasvati (India)
The motivational energy of the cosmos. Honour her beneath a crescent moon with lotus incense or flowers.
Selene (Greek)
An aspect of the moon who oversees all magic and spellcraft. When invoking, adorn your working space with hues of silver and gold, representing the will and the intuition working in harmony.
Shichi Kukujin (Japan)
The seven gods of happiness, governing the realms of prosperity, work, love, joy, longevity, luck, and bliss.
Shui-Khan (China)
A god who protects you from negative influences that can hinder your wishes. Also the god of forgiveness and inspiration. Honour him in the sacred space with rice cakes or turtle images.
Sin (Babylonian)
If you feel your wishcraft has been impeded by negative energy or ill-wishers, Sin is an excellent god to call upon for aid. He is the enemy of evil-doers, rules over the calendar, and is the god of destiny. His symbols include a full lunar sphere and lapis stone.
Thoth (Egypt)
The great Magus of Egyptian mythos, Thoth presides over all matters of ritual and spellcraft. To honour him, have honey and figs in the sacred space and work beneath a moon-lit sky.
Varuna (India)
A god ruling over the creative force and will necessary for wishcraft and cosmic order. Invoke him in the western quarter of the circle using water as an offering.
The god who grants heart’s desires and improves luck! Encourage Zeus’ blessings with oak-based incense and a cauldron filled with rain water. Corresponds with the Roman figure of Jupiter.