Many people are become Hyper-Sensitive to Electrical fields as w are increasingly surrounded by electropollution. The prolific use of electricity is increasing to meet the demands of technologically driven society.
Research is now showing that there is an association between exposure to electromagnetic fields (ENTs), produced whenever we use electricity, and adverse health effects in people and animals.
People vary in their sensitivity to EMFs, and a small proportion of the population can become electrically hypersensitive. The symptoms of this condition are very similar to many other allergic conditions, especially what is now known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).
This is usually originally triggered by a chronic or acute exposure to a chemical agent (eg pesticide, herbicide, woodworm or dry-rot treatment, chemical foam cavity insulation, etc.,etc.). It can then spiral into the person allergically reacting to many other chemicals and also ENFs. If it reaches this stage the person is very ill.
More than 800 different volatile organic compounds (VOCs, such as Toluene, 3-Xylene, Terpene, Hexane, Butanol, etc.) have been detected in the air inside houses, given off by the building and furnishing materials. Electrical hypersensitivity can have a variety of causes. These symptoms can occur in the presence of most types of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum.
Signs & Symptoms
- A tingling, unnatural warmth or pricking sensation in the face or other part of the body
- Dryness of the upper respiratory tract
- Burning pain
- Eye problems (sore eyes & visual disturbances)
- Electric shocks
- Problems with concentration, dizziness and loss of memory
- Perspiration
- Swelling of nose, throat, ear and sinuses, swollen glands
- Anxiety/depression
- Headaches
- Menstruation problems
- Nausea and digestive problems
- Unconsciousness
- Teeth and jaw pains, aches in muscles and joints
- Hearing difficulties
- Cardiac palpitations
- Sound sensitivity
- Sun sensitivity
- Unusual tiredness
- Flu-like symptoms, ongoing
- Weakness
- Skin problems, blemishes, irritations
- Sleep problems
- Multiple Allergy Syndrome / Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
The following sources can provoke symptoms:
- Laptop computers using their mains adapters (they need earthing)
- Computer monitors (VDTs, VDUs)
- Televisions
- Mobile phones
- Fluorescent lights (both flickering and giving off high electric fields)
- Pylons, substations
- Electric fields due to house wiring
- Electrical ‘noise’ in trains, buses and cars
- Battery-operated appliances
- Telephones, answering machines and office equipment
- Refrigerators, freezers, electric cookers, vacuum cleaners etc.
- Fire alarms and burglar alarms
- Underground electric cables
- Hearing-aid induction loops
Some of the causes of electrical hypersensitivity
The fields that surround office equipment, computers and cables can give rise to dermatological and neurological damage.
Positive ionisation of the air. Certain people experience a reduction in symptoms when the working place air is ionised using a negative ioniser. (However some ionisers contain a transformer which gives off high magnetic fields close to.)
Disturbances in the immune system or hormone balance. The symptoms of electrical hypersensitivity have a resemblance to rheumatic reactions connected with the auto-immune system. There are indications that the auto-immune system itself becomes disturbed.
Whatever the cause turns out to be, it is probably complex.
At the moment, the condition of electrical hypersensitivity (ES) is not recognised by most GPs. The medical profession tend to dismiss the symptoms and concerns of sufferers, referring them for medical treatment to their psychiatric colleagues.
One of the difficulties of studying the condition is that hospitals are almost impossible for many ES sufferers to enter due to the high technology used in such environments
ES can also be associated with high electrostatic charges. Machinery malfunctions around the affected person, giving an appearance of clumsiness or ineptitude, which can cause a lack of confidence in using electrical equipment including computers. This is concerning when even very young children are exposed to electronic teaching aids.
All aspects of everyday living may become problematical: the workplace, at home, journeys to and from places, reducing a person’s social and cultural life.
Fatigue, loss of co-ordination and memory problems induced by ES may be a significant factor in accidents on the road or at work. From having developed a sensitivity to EMFs, further sensitivities to chemical and other substances can be experienced. ME sufferers tend to be ES, and there is some evidence that ME can be triggered by electric fields.
Those affected should
- Become vigilent in their use of office equipment.
- Measure the alternating electrical and magnetic fields both at the office and at home.
- Organise work in a reduced-field environment.
- Switch off the main circuit at night, if possible.
- Re-organise the home electrical environment (screened cable etc.).
- Stay away from working electrical appliances.
- Replace electric cooker with gas.
- Supplements for the immune system often help.
Magnetic fields can penetrate walls and are difficult to shield against. Electric fields, which are more likely to give ES problems, can be easily reduced, The improvements include screening and earthing of light-fittings, apparatus and metallic fittings in the workroom. Fluorescent and low-energy lamps should be replaced by LED bulbs both for room lighting and desk lighting. Unnecessary electrical apparatus and wiring should be removed.